What is it and who it is targeted for?
Molecular Nutrition is a special nutritional platform, which results from specialized medical examinations, which show the precise metabolic profile of each individual. Based on this particularity, Molecular Nutrition is a diet that does not contain specific and same foods for everyone. Instead, based on the findings of individual tests and in collaboration with the scientific team composed of Doctors , Biologists and Molecular Nutritionists, a special dietary plan is formulated, different for each individual. In this plan, therefore, different foods are proposed for each individual, aiming at supplementing cellular deficiencies, which are the main causes for the increase in unnecessary weight. Also, special treatment is proposed for potential cellular deficiencies in Micronutrients.
The philosophy of Molecular Nutrition follows the physical specifications of the human body and its metabolic processes, which take place inside the cells. More specifically, the organism immediately after eating food performs a complicated process of converting it into biofuels, which is used to produce energy. However, the “fuel” that every body needs is not stable. On the contrary, it varies and depends on the particular needs of each body.
Therefore, the nutritional plan of the Molecular Nutrition arises and is structured on the basis of the individual’s individual specificity. This very specific targeting of Molecular Nutrition is also the recipe for its success as it is based on the fact that every food platform, as it has emerged from each person’s special tests and needs, is the basis for a gradual reduction and definitive discharge of excess weight .
The success of Molecular Nutrition is therefore that for every nutritional platform it proposes, it also builds strong foundation for the creation of healthy cells capable of optimal combustion for maximum and stable energy production.
Contrary to diets of the past, which did not target the metabolic profile of each patient and failed to suggest optimal amounts of food for the ideal intake of vitamins, minerals and trace elements per person.
It is easy to understand is that the building blocks that the organism needs in order to function properly and efficiently are very specific with the help of modern know-how, any deficiency of which can be ascertained and restored. Any deviation in obtaining these structural elements may lead to a metabolic dysfunction, which in turn incriminates for deviation from the normal weight of the individual and the permanent installation of unnecessary weight.
With which examinations is the Molecular profile of each individual formed?
The exploration of the individual’s metabolic pathways results from specialized metabolic examinations, which investigate and accurately measure throughout the Krebs cycle exactly what does not function properly at the cellular and biochemical level. Once the exact causes of metabolic dysfunction have been established, only then the individual is eligible for proper nutritional intervention. The nutritional program proposed by Molecular Nutrition therefore seeks and gradually achieves the restoration of all parameters, which contribute to the optimal metabolic function of the organism. Thus, based on the Molecular Nutrition and given that the body functions as a combustion engine, intake of the right food, the ideal quantity for each individual and the intake of all the micronutrients required, leads to correct and complete burns of the cell, without this, in return, to lead to accumulation of unnecessary fat (biofuel energy, which for some reason the body does not consume).
The simple assumption that a person’s weight is determined by taking fewer calories than is necessary is extremely wrong, unscientific and practically, people who consume few calories continue to gain weight despite any attempt to reduce the amount of food or exercise.
Why build your own Molecular Nutrition Platform
Given that Molecular Nutrition schemes are developed individually, due to specialized examinations, the individual loses weight constantly while his/her energy levels increase .
There is no feeling of hunger.
They do not necessarily change eating habits.
The results are stable and become permanent over time.
Molecular Nutrition aims at achieving cell homeostasis, in proper biochemical balance, with concurrent results on our optimal health.
Along with Molecular Nutrition, the individual “prevents” the appearance of Chronic, Autoimmune and Other Metabolic Diseases, resulting from cellular dysfunctions. Mediterranean diet is based on the traditional cuisine of the countries around the Mediterranean and in foods such as fruits, fish, vegetables, nuts and olive oil. Although this particular is considered one of the healthiest and most traditional ways of eating, it does not have a specific plan to deal with emergency situations. The Mediterranean diet until 70-80 years ago when the natural environment was not altered did indeed keep people fit. In recent years, only at the level of the name but not at the level of the outcome, one could say that this diet is only used as a successful diet of another age and statistically if and then followed, it ultimately does not help to reduce obesity and lose weight.
Menopause and Sex Hormones
Our sex hormones register directly to genes, which “turn on and off” like switches according to the hormonal directives, determined and in accordance to our environmental needs.
Our sex hormones determine which genes are “turned on”, i.e. expressed, and which ones are “turned off”, i.e. silenced, in the nucleus of our body’s cells.
Estrogens, Progesterone, Cortisol, Testosterone, Insulin, Prolactin, and Melatonin, reach all the way down into the nucleus of every cell in every organ in your body to hit “promoter regions” and “response elements” of our genes, constantly organizing and controlling everything in our lives.
Our hormones are not only responsible for thinking, behaving, and reacting to what happens around us, so that to increase our chances for Survival, but they also take us much further. So that we can evolve, and actually multiply.
Without a regular ovulation, which must be stimulated by particularly high levels of estrogens (estradiol), and without progesterone that follows ovulation, the regulatory genes involved, and leading to Cancers, Cardiovascular diseases, Hypertension, Diabetes Mellitus, Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementias, Chronic and Autoimmune Diseases, are left “deranged” and uncontrolled.
The particular experience each woman will have from this deregulation process will include the appearance (expression) of any inherited condition existing in her genetic material.
In other words, when our sex hormones fall off significantly, Cellular Death begins.
The disease that will get to us depends on our personal, family threshold of Entropy.
Will the heart, breast, endometrium, ovaries, pancreas (sugar) become ill first?
Treatment management of Andropause (Hypogonadism)
Following specific exams for Andropause, including the Bio 4h hormonal profile, hormonal status is detected, and special needs of each individual are identified.
The cost of the exams is affordable and the results are ready with two to three days.
Treatment of Andropause is achieved through the restoration of testosterone levels with Biomimetic testosterone, usually in the form of cream.
Biomimetic testosterone administered during Andropause is extracted from natural ingredients, which are then converted to the natural hormone of a young man.
Restoration using Biomimetic hormones is also based on the restoration of all male hormones levels, DHEA in particular.
Patients should not change their everyday life. To the contrary, they see their health improving gradually, together with their overall physical condition.
Dr. Nikoleta Koini, M.D.
Doctor of Functional, Preventive, Anti-ageing and Restorative Medicine.
Diplomate and Board Certified in Anti-aging, Preventive, Functional and Regenerative Medicine from A4M (American Academy in Antiaging Medicine).
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